I’m Back!!!

As a COLLEGE GRADUATE! Let me just let that sink into my brain real quick…….Ok done……Well after 2 long weeks I am officially using my computer again for more than 5 minutes at a time. Graduating is tough work guys. Yes, I had more fun than I could probably have imagined but I didn’t realize I would need about another 4 days just to rest up and bounce back from it all on top of the 2 weeks of craziness.

Just for proof here is a photo of me looking pretty official if I do say so myself…I’m on the left by the way.


This is a funny picture because me and my friend happened to sit right next to each other during the ceremony feeling nervous as all hell and we were purposely cracking the dumbest jokes just so we could fake smile and laugh for the pictures being taken.

So, I have never gone through something so stressful just for the mere fact everyone wants to see you all at the same time. VERY overwhelming and I have discovered I would be a horrible famous person, maybe even a mean one. I rarely see my family and having them all their at the same time was the most awesome thing and the most tiring. All I wanted to do after the ceremony was sit down with a drink. Those cloak/cape things we had to wear made us sweat bullets in that 90 degree weather, where we were put directly in the sun might I add. As happy as I was that it was outside and it didn’t rain, I can’t say I didn’t dream of air conditioning the entire time.

We had Laura Bush as our commencement speaker and I have to say she did a pretty good job during the parts where I was listening. Ok, it’s not like I didnt want too but that’s how hot it was I was only worried about making my hand move so I can swing the fan back and forth on my face. The ceremony was overall really good though, very inspiring and all that stuff. The only thing I was nervous for was to go up there and get my diploma. I have never liked having my name called in front of everyone and this was probably the biggest crowd it would ever happen in front of. Once me and my friend got up there the line became backed up and we got so confused. She even tried to cut the person in line because she thought her name was supposed to be called as she was up there. Needless to say we looked real awkward. But hey, it was funny!

Once the ceremony was over it was time to take pictures so we got a few gems…But only after I took pictures with my friends, took my robe off because I was so hot, then my mom finally found me and made me put everything back on. I wasn’t a happy camper. Anything for the fans though right?


With my grandma and my mom. I bet your grandma doesn’t wear a fedora!

So, we went to lunch (drinks included), freshened up, all that stuff. Then dinner was supposed to be held in a private room in a very nice restaurant. This was supposed to be the first time my family was meeting my boyfriends family so, yeah I was pretty nervous I’m not going to lie. It was nice to wind down by the end of the night and just enjoy dinner (drinks included) and relax. I was surprised by how smoothly everything went! Everyone was so incredibly different but got along famously.

Of course, the night had to end in song. An unexpected song that is…My sisters husband is quite fond of instruments and without me knowing brought his guitar with him to sing an oh so familiar song for me. By familiar I mean only sung on extremely rare occasions. Right when that guitar came out my first thought was no, he wouldn’t do that song, there’s no way he would do it in front of people that don’t know me very well. So, yep he did the song that I always dread. It’s called “little green mountain girl” and a translation of that would be “little only child vermont country bumpkin girl.” You could maybe even add “who used to play in the woods all day as a child.” Not to mention it’s a pretty folky sounding song. His family were probably like “you chose a real keeper, Bernard.” But hey, it was a good time and I think everyone enjoyed it.

Well, that was my event filled day with some details left out (not trying to bore anyone). I am still incredibly pooped from it all and I am anxiously waiting for my energy to come back. Also, still planning on our move to Arizona in a few weeks. Bring on the next chapter!!! More to come, ya’ll! (Can I even say that anymore?)

Road Trip?

And I found a job!!! Yeah, just kidding. I just like to pretend in my head that I already have and that it came easy. Yeah. Right. So we have decided to most likely to take a road trip from North Carolina to Arizona in May. Do you realize how far that is? Well if you don’t its approximately 31 hours. Crap. But this could make for some good ole road trip fun eh? Minus the fact that when we come back were not coming back to school where we can just continue the party, nope, it’s into the real world. A realm we have never entered before. So this is more like a road trip to our deaths to put it in a really negative (truthful?) way, which is somewhat how I see it. Atleast there will be palm trees!

Just trying to plan the whole trip out is already giving me a headache. The first problem, is my car is literally garbage. Her name is Vermontica (get it?) and she’s really just a stubborn bitch to put it nicely. I think she’s gonna refuse to even try to make it out there so we have to decide, ship or sell? Shipping is so expensive!!! I didn’t even know there was such thing until recently and well were not too keen on the idea, especially since the second it gets there she’ll probably decide to break down. Selling? Hell. Yes. The upside of this is if I got a used car in Arizona I wouldn’t have people honking at me just because I have a Vermont license plate and nobody can call me a dirty hippie! Hooray! I can fit right in and be a fellow Arizonian…Arizonaer…Zoner? You know what I mean.

Hopefully everything will go as planned. I say this knowing that it will not but that’s what makes a fun/spontaneous road trip right? Eh maybe not.



Yup, Sounds about right.

Spotlight: Zooey Deschanel

So I’ve decided I want to be Zooey Deschanel when I grow up…Deal with it. I mean the girl is style, quirkiness, and comedy all rolled into one. Ok, maybe I have a slight girl crush, but come on have you seen the show New Girl? Genius.

I created this thing you see here because I am inspired by her unique sense of style and because I could totally see her wearing this (and I wouldn’t mind having this outfit myself).

This picture literally looks like it’s from the 1920’s! That’s some talent. and if you haven’t checked out her show please do so, you won’t regret it. Who knows you might just get some style inspiration while you watch!

Can life just start now?…Please?

Well good morning!! Just enjoying my iced coffee in a mason jar (what? you don’t do that?) It’s okay though because I am in the south. Well, here I am sitting here searching for jobs again, (slash taking artsy fartsy pictures of my coffee). My life has seriously succumbed to job searching and I don’t know if it will ever end. Anyone else in this boat? I have friends who have their whole lives planned out and have these amazing jobs like hello? Take me with you? I guess it’s harder when you switch majors 832957 times and like everything at once making it hard to decide. Now that I finally have come to the point where I know what I want to do 10 years later, it’s not making it any easier…Maybe I should just get over it and be a baker or candlestick maker (is that even a real job?) Making candles all day…Sounds easy enough. But I have a thing where if I am in the least bit bored, it’s over…I might as well just stop because I will not be motivated.

As of right now I am searching for jobs in the event management/wedding industry. Is that typical? I don’t know. I feel like every young girl wants to be a wedding planner when they grow up but I never wanted that it was only recently I had an epiphany, I LOVE WEDDINGS! Please don’t ask me why, I have never been married but there’s just something about them. People coming together for one special day to have a party, get drunk, and celebrate love. Sounds Awesome! But no really obviously there is more to it than that, I love the creative aspect of making the whole day come to life the way you want it. I could easily become Jennifer Lopez in A Wedding Planner but that didn’t seem like the greatest job either, we all know how that movie goes. I guess in my mind I just pretend that I am Ali from the notebook and I’ll get married in the 40’s and live happily ever after. By the way, I have never gone through that movie without crying it’s quite sad actually…

On the bright side, I have heard back from a lot of companies I have contacted. Most have said they have no openings but atleast they told me right? Nothing is worse than being in that limbo stage and not knowing where you stand. Plus, I know I’m not just sitting on my ass not trying! So basically I’m like Super-job-searching-woman. Not a bad title to have, I suppose.

DIY Workout Shirt

So for those of you who may not know (probably all of you), I am a Health & Fitness Guru…Just kidding more like  a fanatic. If you haven’t heard of Blogilates by Cassey Ho then you are missing out. She will kick your butt into shape. She has a great blog with awesome workout tips and videos, along with a Twitter and FB, she pretty much does it all! (Sense jealousy?) Yeah, so she’s the actual guru in this scenario. You know when people run and they get a runners high? Well, I get a Blogilates high, no joke. Anything she posts I am on it like white on rice, which is why I am posting this DIY workout shirt because it is so easy to do! I made two of them yesterday and obviously don’t look as beautiful as hers but hey, atleast I tried!

Go to http://www.Blogilates.com….I mean it!

The sheer maxi

Ahhh yes. The maxi, The quintessential summer dress with a touch of beachy relaxation in every stitch. I don’t know if I could be more obsessed with this simple gown. It is the best way to look like you don’t give a you know what while still being stylish as ever (and not the least bit frumpy). You can say I have a few maxi dresses in my closet. I recently purchased this one from Old Navy (yes, I said Old Navy). Usually it is a hit or miss for my style but I had to get this dress.

So a step up from the usual maxi is…you guessed it…The SHEER maxi. I have yet to get one of these but it is for sure on my to do list for this summer.

Fashionista Mary-Kate Olsen (or is it Ashley?…Who knows) wears a sheer maxi on the street with an adorable puppy in tow!

This is a brown sheer maxi skirt from TopShop. Super, super cute!

Also in LOVE with this aqua sheer maxi from Forever21. Even more in love with the price, $24.80!

Jumbo Vegan Carrot Cake Muffins

Jumbo Vegan Carrot Cake Muffins (could there be anything better???)

(Ok, they look kinda funky but they are good trust me!!)

My first recipe!!! If only I had this blog the past year there would be the most amazing recipes on here, not to brag or anything. Most of what I bake is vegan but if I’m making it for other people sometimes I skip that part because you can’t say that people don’t get a little turned off when you say “I made you a cake with flour and tofu!” So you sometimes have to take what you can get. I found this particular recipe on Pinterest, which is not a surprise at all since I find everything on there. So if you are a Pinterest/vegan hater in that order than find recipes elsewhere please! Otherwise, enjoy!!!

sidenote: The recipe says to make around 25 cupcakes but all I had was a muffin pan that fit 6 muffins sooo that’s how it turned out but who doesn’t love gigantic chunky muffins first thing in the morning anyway?


  • 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce
  • 2 1/2 cups flour
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 2 teaspoons baking soda
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 cup canola oil
  • 2 cups carrots, grated
  • 1 cup crushed pineapple


  1. In a small bowl mix baking powder and applesause into a foamy mixture, set aside.
  2. In a large bowl mix flour, sugar, baking soda, cinnamon, nutmeg, and salt.
  3. Add oil, carrots, pineapple (some of the juice might help), and applesauce mixture.
  4. Mix well.
  5. Add flaked coconut, nuts, or raisins if desired.
  6. Scoop mixture into 24 cupcake liners.
  7. Bake at 325 degrees Fahrenheit for 30 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean.
  8. Once cooled, frost with icing (powdered sugar, ‘fake’ butter, vanilla, and water).

Get the skinny on bright spring skinnies!

Well isn’t that a mouthful?

So down here in the south Spring has practically come and gone and summer is quickly approaching! My wardrobe can’t even keep up with all the amazing trends out there. My most favorite of all is the bright colored jeans and leggings that are out there right now. It brings a pop of color to your whole outfit. If someone had asked me to wear these 5 years ago, I would have thought you were crazy but now I’m in love! I’m in love! and I don’t care who knows it!!!

The beautiful Jenna Dewan struts her stuff in these lemon skinnies!

Asos.com has a great selection of skinnies for an affordable price! Call me bias but I buy my formal dresses from there and I love em!

rich and skinny has some great options, but for a price of course! but OWW OWW lovin that pink! Trying to get some double takes on the street? Problem solved.

Yoga spider makes his debut

So I would consider myself a bug person as long as they don’t have millions of legs, hair, or the ability to look you in the face. But THIS was not okay. I step into yoga class excited for just an hour of relaxation and this is what I find…In my yoga mat…I was one of the first people to come to class and I flung open my mat and this beast pops right out. I could only imagine the spider was thinking “hey world, I’m here! Time for some yoga!” Not that I make bugs talk in my head or anything……

A Wine Sippin’ Good Time

Me! (sweet hat, huh?)

check out the view!

Bernard himself

So Bernard and I went on a visit to a Vineyard in Godknowswhere, North Carolina over Easter weekend. Now Bernard isn’t one to travel long distances even if it is to do something fun so the only way I could accomplish this was of course, to not tell him. I had found a deal on LivingSocial.com and bought this bad boy right away. We cannot turn down a good glass of wine, or make that a few glasses of wine. The second we pull in Bernard’s first words are, “where have you taken me!?” I think he may have even been hyperventilating because we were maybe only 5 minutes away from any sort of town. (Mind you, this is why he says he hates visiting Vermont, even though I know deep down he doesn’t mean it). The day was suddenly all right once we were greeted with a wine glass. We ended up being able to take our last glass of wine outside and enjoy the view of the vineyard. Nearly 3 minutes later “ready to go?” And well, that was that. We did manage to get some great instagram pictures from our visit though!

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